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Meet the Staff


Joey Shivers

Minister of Worship Arts

Birthday:  September 20 


What is your favorite hymn?  "It Is Well” expresses so powerfully the truth that God is God and I am not. This reality has been a pivotal foundation to my faith. There will be days I will feel sorrow crashing like waves of the sea. There are days I will feel peace as gentle the sound of a river. ‘Whatever my lot’, God is in control. God is love. God is truth. God alone is God, and I place my hope and my trust in Him! 


What is your favorite song we sing at Church? “Lay Me Down” is a reminder to me as worship leader that what I am really inviting myself and everyone in our church community to do is to lay down our lives as a living sacrifice (Romans 12:1). Not just music, not just words, worship is daily offering our very life for God’s glory. 


What activity do you like to participate in? I love card games and board games, and the fellowship they facilitate. It’s hard to beat friends around a table having fun, sharing life, and diving into something together!  


Where would you like to go on vacation? Forests and State Parks! Our family loves the woods. Kara loves the colorful beauty of the changing leaves in fall. The kids all love being ‘adventurers’ and discovering new sights! Being in God's creation is one of the ways I best connect with my Creator. I love just being still... and knowing He is God.  


What is your favorite snack? Cheese and summer sausage on crackers. 


What is your favorite TV Show?  Agents of Shield or The Office.  


Tell about your family pet?  I tell a bedtime story every night about Tree Frog. He is, at this point, imaginary. But the kids often ask about getting a real one! 


If you could meet one person from the Old Testament, who would it be, and why? I would love to meet Nehemiah! He heard the need, was moved to pray, to act, and to give vision for the rebuilding of the entire wall of Jerusalem! I love his example of humility, initiative, and prayerful leadership.    

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