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Dennis Dorsheimer

Minister to Seniors

Birthday:  January 18


What is your favorite hymn?  “The Church’s One Foundation” is one of my favorites because the focus is on Jesus as Head of the Church.  We need that reminder.


What is your favorite song we sing at Church?  “Come Thou Fount of  Every Blessing”  I like the Biblical basis and majesty of the hymn.


What activity do you like to participate in?  Eating out after services on Sunday is a good time to get to know people.  It is a good time for people to share what is happening in their lives.  I also like study groups where people interact with each other.


Where would you like to go on vacation?  I’d like to go back to Alaska or Germany.


What is your favorite snack?  Most anything chocolate.


What is your favorite TV show?  I watch too much “Fox News”.  I still like it although it can be disturbing.


Tell about your family pet?  Our dog had cancer and we had to put her to sleep.  She was a great companion and we still miss her.


If you could meet one person from the Old Testament, who would it be?  King David was a very interesting person. I think he understood God’s grace better than any of the other prophets.  I’d like to know more about his relationship with God.

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